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Dry Fire Article in NRA America's 1st Freedom

Our good friend Ron Norton from Inland Manufacturing has an excellent article that discusses dry fire's origins, practicality, and current importance to today's firearms owners. With prices and availability of finished ammo and even the consumables used for reloading always in flux, dry fire has never been more valuable than it is today.

Whether your relationship to firearms is as an instructor or student, military/LEO or civilian, competitor or self-defense, check out the article at Gun Skills: Next-Level Dry Practice | An Official Journal Of The NRA (

Dry Fire isn't only a great way to save ammo and train when it's convenient for you. When you train with LASR X or LASR Classic; your training begins to take on the realism of live fire range time. Add in dynamic movement (e.g., room to room, target to target), and you begin to engrain the habits and movement you'll be calling on--previously only possible in a tactical bay--if you're in a competitive or defensive situation.



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